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Geeko NTFSNew Technology File System 的缩写(意为新技术文件系统)。应用于基于NT内核的Windows® 操作系统中, 例如 Windows®XP®。

在最初的几年,Linux只对NTFS提供只读支持。新近推出的驱动程序实现了稳定的读写访问。 想获取更多信息,请访问:


Before proceeding, please carefully read details on the above web pages and make sure that you understand everything. If you are not sure please be careful about proceeding.


注意: 为了避免对系统造成损害,存在错误的NTFS分区将会以只读方式挂载。
To correct this you should boot Windows® and run file system repair program. Repair is not yet possible from Linux.

openSUSE 10.3

ntfs-3g插件默认安装在openSUSE 10.3中,支持读写。

Modify /etc/fstab to reflect umask=0002

For example

#Device    Mountpoint  Filesystem  Parameters
/dev/sda1  /windows/C  ntfs-3g     user,users,gid=users,umask=0002,locale=en_US.UTF-8  0 0
#Device                 Mountpoint  Filesystem  Parameters
/dev/disk/by-label/win  /windows/C  ntfs-3g     user,users,gid=users,umask=0002,locale=en_US.UTF-8  0 0

The ntfs-3g is installed by default and write support is enabled.

Modify /etc/fstab to reflect umask=0002

For example

SATA or PATA (IDE) drive
#Device    Mountpoint  Filesystem  Parameters
/dev/sda1  /windows/C  ntfs-3g     user,users,gid=users,umask=0002,locale=en_US.UTF-8  0 0
Other options
#Device                 Mountpoint  Filesystem  Parameters
/dev/disk/by-label/win  /windows/C  ntfs-3g     user,users,gid=users,umask=0002,locale=en_US.UTF-8  0 0

openSUSE 10.2

如果您只是读取NTFS文件系统上的文件,您不需任何设置,所有SUSE Linux / openSUSENTFS默认启用文件系统只读功能
If you need only to see your files, then you don't need to do anything as NTFS read only access is enabled in all versions of SUSE Linux / openSUSE by default.

For read/write you should add this repositories:

 zypper sa http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/filesystems/openSUSE_10.2/ Filesystems

You will see following text:

* Adding repository 'Filesystems'
Repository 'Filesystems' successfully added:
Enabled: Yes
Autorefresh: Yes
URL: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/filesystems/openSUSE_10.2/


zypper in -c Filesystems ntfs-3g fuse



Install the following packages:



zypper in -c Filesystems ntfs-3g fuse

or go to YaST Software Management and install from there. To locate ntfs-3g use that as a search term.

挂载NTFS分区 Mounting NTFS Partition


PATA (IDE) 硬盘:
#Device    Mountpoint  Filesystem  Parameters
/dev/hda1  /windows/C  ntfs-3g     user,users,gid=users,umask=0002  0 0

SATA 硬盘:
#Device    Mountpoint  Filesystem  Parameters
/dev/sda1  /windows/C  ntfs-3g     user,users,gid=users,umask=0002  0 0
#Device                 Mountpoint  Filesystem  Parameters
/dev/disk/by-label/win  /windows/C  ntfs-3g     user,users,gid=users,umask=0002  0 0

注意在保存之前确定参数栏上没有”or“命令。否则即使此分区安装了支持写入的驱动,也只能读取。 另外,您可以使用磁盘标识(ID)(连接符号在/dev/disk/by-id/)或文件系统的UUID(/dev/disk/by-uuid/)指定源磁盘。安标签(by-label)按编号(by-id)/dev/sd*更好,因为当磁盘可能由前后变化时而他们(by-label,by-id)保持不变,也就是说,用/dev/sdc 代替/dev/sda(其中后者依赖注册顺序and/or)。

By adding an entry to file /etc/fstab, the NTFS file system will be mounted automatically at boot. Make sure the mount point directory (in this example /Windows/C) exists beforehand. The most common case is that NTFS is on partition one of first hard disk:

PATA (IDE) drive
#Device    Mountpoint  Filesystem  Parameters
/dev/hda1  /windows/C  ntfs-3g     user,users,gid=users,umask=0002  0 0

SATA drive
#Device    Mountpoint  Filesystem  Parameters
/dev/sda1  /windows/C  ntfs-3g     user,users,gid=users,umask=0002  0 0
Other options
#Device                 Mountpoint  Filesystem  Parameters
/dev/disk/by-label/win  /windows/C  ntfs-3g     user,users,gid=users,umask=0002  0 0

Make sure there is no "ro" command in the parameters before saving, otherwise the partition will be mounted read-only even though the driver has write support.

Alternatively, you can specify the source device using the disk's ID (symlinks in /dev/disk/by-id/) or the filesystem's UUID (/dev/disk/by-uuid/). by-label or by-id are preferred over /dev/sd* nodes because they will remain the same while the disk could show up under, say, /dev/sdc instead of /dev/sda (the latter of which depends on the order they were plugged in and/or recognized).



ntfs-3g -o ro,gid=users,umask=0002 /dev/disk/by-label/windows /mnt


su -c yast2 disk



If you want to mount an NTFS partition manually, use the ntfs-3g command, specifying the disk partition as NTFS. For example this mounts an NTFS partition read-only which has the label "windows" onto the directory /mnt:

ntfs-3g -o ro,gid=users,umask=0002 /dev/disk/by-label/windows /mnt

This last part can also be done using:

su -c yast2 disk

Which is the same as YaST -- System -- Partitioner

For full details on using the ntfs-3g and umount commands to mount and unmount NTFS partition, read their manuals.



如果您在Guru YaST源里找不到ntfs-3g,试试在suser-jengelh里搜索,或直接从ntfs-3g网站下载。安装ntfs-3g前,确定fuse已启动(modprobe fuse),如未启动,在系统设定中加入系统启动:用YaST/System/sysconfig编辑;选择System/Kernel/MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT;写入fuse,单击完成按钮。

这步骤是简单易懂的(./configure; make; make install)。挂载选项除了驱动名称,其他非常相似(ntfs-3g instead of ntfs-fuse)。

The ntfs-fuse uses ntfsmount and is vastly inferior compared to ntfs-3g; there is a creation limit of 10 files per directory. If you want to use a ntfs partitions for more serious work, you should consider using a more appropriate ntfs driver such as ntfs-3g.

If you cannot find ntfs-3g package in the Guru YaST repositories, try searching in suser-jengelh, or download the source from ntfs-3g web site. Make sure fuse is loaded (e.g. modprobe fuse) or if it does not load on startup then add it to the system configuration: Use YaST/System/sysconfig editor; choose System/Kernel/MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT; write fuse in it and click the Finish button.

The build is straightforward (./configure; make; make install). Mount options are very similar with exception of the driver name (ntfs-3g instead of ntfs-fuse).zh_tw:NTFS