安装 OpenSUSE 11.0
openSUSE 11.0 DVD 安装概述,见 安装/11.0。安装 Live CD 版本,查看 安装/11.0_Live_CD。
本页是通过 YaST 安装 openSUSE 11.0 的具体信息。
欢迎使用 openSUSE!插入 DVD 或者 Live CD 开始安装吧。一旦媒介正确载入,一个带有选项的绿色画面会呈现在你眼前。选择选项列表里的 "Installation",如果你遇到安装程序错误,那么试试 "Installation - ACPI Disabled"。
Boot from Hard Disk (从硬盘启动) - 从硬盘启动,相当于你在不放入光盘的情况下开机。
Installation (安装) - 这是一个标准选项,选择它会开始不带任何附加设置的 openSUSE 安装过程。
Installation - ACPI Disabled (安装 - ACPI Disabled) - 这将会禁用高级配置与电源接口(ACPI)。如果你的电脑在安装过程中遇到一些问题,试试这个设置。
Memory Test (内存测试) - 如果你遇到问题但无法通过上面的选项解决,试试这个选项。内存测试会测试你的电脑的内存是否有问题。
语言设置 (Language Settings)
如果你的集成图形系统有点新,将会载入图形安装系统,然后显示语言选择界面。在这,使用鼠标选择你的首选语言,然后选择 Next (下一步) 继续。如果你更改了默认语言,屏幕会立即变成你选择的语言的界面继续安装。
媒介检查 (Media Check)
在这一步你可以检查你的光盘,看看你拥有的 DVD 或者 CD 是否工作正常。如果你不太肯定你的光盘是否没有问题,我们推荐你检查它们,如果你没有备份,这会有助于避免你的电脑变得不能使用。如果光盘第一次使用或没有被妥善保存,应当这么做。
定制安装 (Customizing your Installation)
From this point to installation you will be customizing how you want openSUSE to install.
Next, you are presented with a selection of new or update. If you have a previous version of openSUSE, the update option will be presented to you, otherwise select new.
On openSUSE 10.3, the option to add repositories is available. In many cases, your Ethernet many not work properly if not set up here. It is recommended that you take the time to add these. |
On this next screen, you are given choices of time zones. Select yours, and if you need to change the time or date, select Change. Note: The time is presented in the 24-hour clock format.
Your next option will be to choose a Desktop Environment. If you are unsure of which to choose, you should note that both provide modern desktop solutions and perform equally well. Most of the screen shots you have seen online of openSUSE will be of the KDE version.
Installation Settings
You are now just one screen away from seeing openSUSE installing. YaST will automatically review your system, and make a layout of what and where to install your system. The default layout should be fine for a new user, but you can select change to choose other options. The following explains the options available to you.
Software - Software allows you to select certain applications that appeal to you, and prevent ones that you don't want to see from installing. You can search, or just select categories. Selecting details will allow you to select individual applications from within these categories.
Partitioning - Partitioning will allow you to create your own partitioning layout of your hard drive. By default, you must have a Swap Space, and a Root (/) partition. It is recommended that you create a Home partition as well so that your files are not combined with Root's.
Keyboard Layout - This will select the keyboard, and its settings used for installation.
Booting - Booting will let you configure the Linux Boot Loader.
Time Zone - Setting the time zone of your system if it needs to be changed, select this.
Language - Will set your language. Will probably be unused since you selected your language in the first section.
Default Runlevel - Will set the Runlevel of the system. Runlevel 5 is the default and recommended.
Reset to Defaults - Will remove your settings, and let you start over if you changed something you did not wish to.
Once these actions have completed, select next to begin the actual installation, and wait while it installs.
Post Installation
When the install process is over, the system will automatically reboot and it will continue with the final configurations for the system. First, you must select a root (System Administrator) password, and then, you have to choose a hostname and Domain Name for the system. After this, you will see a screen with Network Configurations.
Configure your network to your liking. If you don't use specifics, than just glance over it, ensure everything is read, and then continue.
Next, you can test your internet. If your internet works, you can then update it through the next screen, and add installation sources.
After this, choose a user name, a password, and continue. Read release notes and then configure your hardware. That's it! Congratulations! Click the "Finish" button and you'll be automatically logged in into your new openSUSE machine. We hope you will find openSUSE a great, useful and wonderful Linux distribution.
如果图形启动菜单没有显示或者卡死,尝试在启动安装介质时按住 Shift 键不放。这会启用文本模式启动菜单。