VirtualBox Installation
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Version: 10.3+
以下说明适用于openSUSE 10.3或更新的版本 |
您可以在以下位置找到VirtualBox 开源版本
- openSUSE开源软件源中
- openSUSE编译服务的源中:Virtualization:/VirtualBox (可以获得更新的版本)
- 使用YaST的安装:
- virtualbox-kmp 包含有mandatory vboxdrv 核心驱动
- Xalan-c 软件包
- Xerces-c 软件包
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Version: 10.2
以下说明仅适用于openSUSE 10.2版本 |
在openSUSE 10.2上安装VirtualBox之前,您需要先添加一个软件源。
您可以在openSUSE编译服务的源:Virtualization:/VirtualBox中找到VirtualBox开源版本,但该软件源中的VirtualBox-kmp软件包缺少mandatory vboxdrv,同时还有错误存在。
您还可以使用home:/dirkmueller 中提供的正确的供openSUSE 10.2使用的VirtualBox。
自被SUN收购之后,VirtualBox的下载页面即被重定向到SUN的相应下载页面。您可以在该页面下载到适用于openSUSE 和 SLED的最新的VirtualBox软件包和源代码。
- kernel-source
- kernel-syms
- Xalan-c
- Xerces-c
- gcc
- make
Simply download the package from the download page of VirtualBox and install it. See Package Management for more information about installing software under openSUSE.
When everything goes well, VirtualBox should be installed in the /opt directory.
Next, create the required kernel module by executing the command:
When VirtualBox is started at this point, expect VirtualBox to give this warning "Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND). The service might be not installed on the host computer.". Read enable USB support in order to activate USB.
Though VirtualBox will start after you've just installed it, there are a few other necessary steps to complete before you can really get the most out of VirtualBox. These include:
- Making sure that the vboxdrv driver is loaded.
In the terminal (as root), execute the following command:
- Add your user to the vboxusers group:
Or open YaST -> Security and Users -> UserManagement, and edit your user and add them to the vboxusers group. To do this, select your user name, click on Edit, switch to the Details tab and check the vboxusers check box.
You should then be able to run VirtualBox just fine!
Getting vboxdrv module to auto load (openSUSE OSE package only)
The version of VirtualBox OSE provided in the openSUSE OSS repo comes with its own kernel module so the vboxdrv setup command does not add this. It also does not set up the kernel module to auto load at system start up, if this is how you like it then ignore this section and have fun.
This can be done by one of three ways:
- The first way is by using insserv to add the module
- The second way is by going into system services (runlevel) and enabling vboxdrv
YaST -> System > System Services (runlevel)-> vboxdrv and select the enable button and finish.
- The last way is by adding it to the Modules_loaded_on_boot setting under sysconfig editor
YaST -> System -> /etc/sysconfig editor -> System -> Kernel -> MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT and just type in vboxdrv in the input box.
No matter which way you go with this will get the vboxdrv kernel module to auto load on boot of the system.