[hide]Porting YaST
This page offers information how to compile and run YaST on a non-SUSE system.
So far, there are two projects to port YaST:
- Oracle porting YaST to RHEL4
- yast4debian porting YaST to Debian
- They have a compilation howto.
You can get the current source code from our SVN repository and its branches.
Find information about building YaST and alternatives to do this.
Contact us via our YaST Mailing lists and see the respective archives for porting help.
I was able to compile the following programs/modules:
ii yast2 2.13.72-1 YaST2 - Main Package ii yast2-control-center 2.13.2-1 YaST2 - Control Center ii yast2-core 2.13.27-1 YaST2 - Core Libraries ii yast2-country 2.13.31-1 YaST2 - Country Settings (Language, Keyboard ii yast2-devtools 2.13.21-1 YaST2 - Development Tools ii yast2-dns-server 2.13.16-1 YaST2 - DNS Server Configuration ii yast2-gtk 0.1-1 YaST2 - Graphical GTK User Interface ii yast2-inetd 2.13.4-1 YaST2 - Network Services Configuration ii yast2-installation 2.13.141-1 YaST2 - Installation Parts ii yast2-ldap 2.13.4-1 YaST2 - LDAP Agent ii yast2-ldap-client 2.13.20-1 YaST2 - LDAP Client Configuration ii yast2-network 2.13.59-1 YaST2 - Network Configuration ii yast2-pam 2.13.5-1 YaST2 - PAM Agent ii yast2-perl-bindings 2.13.8-1 YaST2 - Perl Bindings ii yast2-pkg-bindings 2.13.90-1 YaST2 Package Manager Access ii yast2-qt 2.13.61-1 YaST2 - Graphical User Interface ii yast2-runlevel 2.13.8-1 YaST2 - Runlevel Editor ii yast2-security 2.13.4-1 YaST2 - Security Configuration ii yast2-slp 2.13.1-1 SLP Agent and Browser for YaST ii yast2-sysconfig 2.13.7-1 YaST2 - Powertweak Configuration ii yast2-testsuite 2.13.1-1 YaST2 - Testsuite ii yast2-theme 2.13.8-1 YaST2 - Theme ii yast2-trans-de 2.14.1-1 YaST2 - German Translations ii yast2-tune 2.13.7-1 YaST2 - Hardware Tuning ii yast2-users 2.13.22-1 YaST2 - User and Group Configuration ii liby2util 2.13.7-1 YaST2--Utilities Library ii zypp 1.2.0-1 Package, Patch, Pattern, and Product Management ii ldapcpplib 0.0.4-1 C++ API for LDAPv3
That does not mean that they run ;-)
- Missing packages are not noted here, furthermore the solutions named here can be dirty and might not be the best ones.
- zypp: symlink libxml -> libxml2/libxml in /usr/include required.
- yast2-qt: --with-qt-dir=/usr/share/qt3 --with-qt-libdir=/usr/share/qt3/lib has to be added to the configure command
- yast2-gtk: You have to have libcdparanoia0-dev. That was hard for me to find. Line 14 of ycc.sh should look like that: module=`/usr/bin/zenity --title "Yast Control Center" \
- yast2-theme: create a symlink current to the theme, see *.spec
- yast2-users: you have to install a lot of other yast modules. look at /var/log/YaST2
- yast2-hardware-detection: install the recent version and libhd13 and libhd13-dev
Linux From Scratch
This section could be a 'hint' for the LFS project. What we want to do is to make all the YaST2 sources path agnostic, or better said, to erradicate all the absolute paths that are living around some files (pointing to /usr/share/YaST2 for example).
And of course all the necessary steps that have to be taken to get a working YaST2 living in your favourite $prefix.
Here, the necessary patches for the YaST2 modules will be published.