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Lukas Ocilka

Tutorial in general, example source code, and screenshots.

Stanislav Visnovsky

Tutorial structure, correctness, and ideas.

Klara Cihlarova

Tutorial structural correctness, logical checks, ideas, and enhancements.

Table of Content

  1. Best Practices
  2. What the Module Should Really Do?
  3. Starting Up
  4. YaST Module Files
  5. Cleaning Up Skeleton for the SSHD Configuration
  6. Creating User Interface
  7. Creating Access to the Configuration Data
  8. Using the Access to the Configuration Data
  9. Connecting the Configuration Data with the UI
  10. Mission Completed
  11. Conclusion
  12. Testing and Tuning


This tutorial shows how to create your own YaST Module as simply as possible. It is supposed to be a basic tutorial for a broad, but not deep, overview of developing a new YaST module in YCP. It contains links where you can find more detailed information for the particular topic.