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This page gives a summary of the important changes as they happen in the education project on openSUSE.

New News-Page

We've decided not to mirror the News from opensuse-education.org here again. So please have a look at http://news.opensuse-education.org/ for the latest news in your language!

Reminder: Education Meeting - Tuesday 2007/10/30 18:00 CET (17:00 GMT)

The next openSUSE-Education meeting will take place at the official #opensuse-edu IRC channel on freenode (irc://irc.freenode.net/opensuse-edu) on Tuesday

2007/10/30 18:00 CET (17:00 GMT)

This meeting is meant to discuss the latest developments in and around openSUSE-Education. Please add your topics to the meeting wiki page at:

Education meeting 2007-10-30

as soon as possible. Also, if you cannot attend the meeting, but have questions you want to see discussed, please add them to the meeting wiki page as well.

For general info about our IRC meetings read more in our about Meetings page.

The date and time in your timezone.

Alpha1 for openSUSE 10.2 and 10.3 is ready for testing!

As described in the openSUSE-Education Roadmap, we have finished our first Alpha Version for openSUSE 10.2 and 10.3 this week!

As already stated in the name of the release: this should be the first really useful release for 10.3 (and hopefully also for 10.2) - but it is really NOT ready for productional use! This is a very early development snapshot and perhaps things will change later. But we can only make things better, if someone told us what we've missed. So please test this Alpha1 very heavy and the next relase will hopefully fix all your problems.

The path to the ISO images:

   * http://www.opensuse-education.org/download/ISOs/openSUSE-Education-10.3-Alpha1.iso
   * http://www.opensuse-education.org/download/ISOs/openSUSE-Education-10.2-Alpha1.iso

You can find the MD5SUMS for the ISOs in this file:


If your browser doesn't support large files (bot ISOs are more than 1.8G big(!), you can also use any FTP-Client. The URL for FTP is:

   * ftp://www.opensuse-education.org/ISOs/openSUSE-Education-10.2-Alpha1.iso
   * ftp://www.opensuse-education.org/ISOs/openSUSE-Education-10.3-Alpha1.iso

All files from the ISO images can also be accessed online. So you can also add the following URLs to YaST as Online-Repositories if you don't want to download the full ISO images:

   * http://www.opensuse-education.org/download/repo/10.2/
   * http://www.opensuse-education.org/download/repo/10.3/

Please use our Bugzilla to report any bug you find.

Thank you and have a lot of fun!


The next IRC-Meeting will take place on #opensuse-edu at irc.freenode.net at

1800 GMT on Monday, 10/22/07

Feel free to join us!

FYI: Users without an irc-client but with a web-browser can register on: http://www.opensuse-education.org/user.html and afterwards join the chat via the web-irc-client on: http://www.opensuse-education.org/pnCGIIRC.html


  1. Bugzilla usage
  2. Application descriptions in german and english
  3. Adapt the english wikipages to the german ones (for example http://de.opensuse.org/Bildungswesen_Desktopprogramme)
  4. Differences between openSUSE-Wiki and openSUSE-Education
  5. Testing of applications
  6. Where is the Roadmap

New PreRelease available

17. Oktober 2007 The second PreRelease (Build004) of the openSUSE-Edu-CD is available for download now. Nearly 1.9 GB software in 647 packages are available on the media! So please test this new release and give us feedback!


You can download the ISO image either via http or ftp now. Using a download manager is highly recommended. You can also add the Education repository as online repository in YaST using this URL: ftp://ftp.opensuse-education.org/repo/10.3/

Please report any bug on http://bugs.opensuse-education.org/ and give us feedback in the mailinglist.

New website: www.opensuse-education.org

Lars started a new website for openSUSE-Education, containing the latest Edu-CD, an Online-Repository with over 100 packages, a forum, a bugtracker and a News-System.

Let's visit http://www.opensuse-education.org/

IRC-Meeting 2007/06/21

The next IRC-Meeting will take place on opensuse-edu@freenode.net at 1800GMT on Thursday, 06/21/07. Feel free to join us!

See Communicate#Internet_Relay_Chat for details how to join the channel.


  1. expired SUSE:SLE-10:SLED:Education Repository
  2. packages for Education:
    1. cleaning up the Wishlist Education
    2. enhancing the list of Education Desktop Applications
    3. discussing general settings for Education_Server_Applications (saving config files, storing/creating passwords, ...)
    4. status of Edu-CD#An_additional_YaST_Module and YaST_SquidGuard
    5. KIOSK-Tool settings
  3. Releasedate of the next Edu-CD

Wiki pages reloaded

Now we have a first "openSUSE-Education" Logo! Thanks to Andreas for his great work!

The Education start page has been split - now we have:

Lars added a first description of the new YaST SquidGuard module.

Education repo is growing

Currently we have over 100 packages in the Build Service repositories which need testing! Find out more at the To do site...

KDE-Edu at the akademy

Anne-Marie Mahfouf invited us to the Edu & School Day!

The KDE-Edu project would like to invite you to the

        Edu & School Day at aKademy
                  3rd July 2007
 Department of Computer & Information Sciences,
            University of Strathclyde

All people interested in Free Educational Software (developers, administrators, teachers, parents, community groups and associations,...) will try to share their success stories, difficulties and wishes.

The program so far can been seen here: http://akademy2007.kde.org/codingmarathon/schoolday.php

Welcome J. Daniel Schmidt

Dan is an employee\developer for openSUSE. He will providing us with the YaST installation module for the edu-cd. http://en.opensuse.org/Edu-cd#An_additional_YaST_Module


My friends at Centre have joined force with a new company to provide data warehousing for student data on a level unseen before, AND FOR FREE. check them out at [OS4ED]


The KIWI group met today to discuss adding true thin client support (i.e. LTSP) and we are well on our way. These are the minutes of that meeting http://en.opensuse.org/Meetings/LTSP_Meeting_2007-04-24

Novell Publishes k12 books

Friday 20 April 2007 Novell has published a set of schoolbooks to teach open source, Linux and basic programming skills to children aged 13-16. The series of books, called "Get Ready for Open Source: SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10", For more on the story go to http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/2007/04/20/223374/novell-publishes-open-source-books-for-children.htm#ContentContinues

Welcome to Peter Varkoly

Peter, Welcome and Thank You! It is a great pleasure to welcome another member with your talents and design capabilities to this very important community project. I hope that our new association brings many great things to schools everywhere. Again Thank you. http://en.opensuse.org/User:Varkoly

Changes from BrainShare

At BrainShare, this has been the best week of my professional career! I have met so many wonderful and dedicated people from Novell and from the K12 community, that to list them would be to much like "name dropping", I Have to thank David Brower and the K12 marketing team for the hand holding I got through the team introductions an for everything they will do and have done for us this year!

Changes from 2007-02-18

While searching for K12 solutions and student management stacks I found this: "Intel and Linux go to School" and this: "Enhancing education with Intel plattforms running Open Source Solutions". It seems we are not the only ones interested in creating a stack for education! Intel certainly believes and so does IBM.

Left to say: watch the official Education website from Novell.

Changes from January 2007

January has been a long cold month, we all have been working on our own things. I hope that soon we will have more forward movement on this project. I'm told that this spring will bring alot of interested people to the table. can't wait :)!

Changes from 2006-12-29

Great week off, we hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! A big Welcome to David Brower of Novell's Education Marketing team. I know he is going to be a great resource!

Changes from 2006-12-15

New packages added to both the Server and Desktop repositories. Minor updates to page content and a new contributer joined: welcome Fajar Priyanto, I hope your visits are always fruitful!

Jay Migliaccio joins us from inside Novell, He was working on maintaining some 28 educational packages for a customer and has offered to do the work here, where we can all benefit.

Changes from 2006-12-01

Lars Rupp joins us from the openSUSE staff as a "packager" and "site guide". Lars was working on maintaining Moodle for openSUSE and has offered to make those packages available here. As an experienced member of the openSUSE team he will bring a strong background of project management to this page.

Changes from 2006-11-22

First conception of project and host page created.